Summary [ ] Crystals are used to awaken your characters, unlocking passive and active skills that allow for greater efficiency in battle. Types of Crystals [ ] There are 6 types of crystals currently in the game: Blue Crystal Green Crystal Black Crystal Red Crystal White Crystal Yellow Crystal Crystal Dungeon Cycle [ ] There are a variety of dungeons that can be farmed, but in terms of crystals, there are specific Crystal Dungeons that give out certain crystals according to the day, with Sunday being the only day resulting in Gil, rather than Crystals.
Categories Crystals Add category. Cancel Save. Fan Feed. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Crystal Strength. Edit source History Talk 0. Cid Pollendina : Oh, shut up and help me remodel the Crystal Strength page!
Please expand this article into a full one. The following tasks need to be completed:This request can be discussed on the associated discussion page. Remove this notice upon completion. User Info: Iammethe High Crystals come from events or from give aways. This means that they are limited in nature and hard to get in large quantities.
Sadly you will have to wait until more become available before you can finish up the characters. User Info: ellis So, just like the high shards I'm getting from the winter event? Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions. Question Status Why does it say insufficient crystals when I have enough crystals?