This means that you can learn how to draw an arrow in Photoshop. Pictures might be worth a thousand words, but sometimes people need help figuring out what is important about one of those pictures.
If you spend a lot of time creating images or editing screenshots that are intended to show someone how to do something, then you have certainly encountered a situation where you needed to highlight an element in a picture. Since we create a lot of screenshots and tutorials on this site, this is a problem that we face on a regular basis. Fortunately there is a tool in Photoshop that makes it easy for you to add custom shapes to your images. Our guide below will show you how to make an arrow in Photoshop CS5 using this tool.
Continue reading below for more information on drawing an arrow in Photoshop, including pictures for these steps. Hi, I recently upgraded my photoshop creative cloud to version After the upgrade I can't find where the arrow tool is to draw an arrow. Can someone tell me where to find the arrow tool? Use the line tool in the shape tools, from the option bar you can add arrow heads, or you can use the custom shape tool and select the predefined arrows. Arrow shapes have been moved to a new folder "Legacy Shapes and more This option seems to be gone in All I get are animals, trees, boats and flowers.
I cannot reset the list, so since Append Default Shapes I don't know where to click to indicate that I have the same problem As well in the pannel the shapes folders once opened won't close.. And when I am trying to draw manually using the line tool in the shape tools and the option to add arrow heads, when converting to pixels, it will only draw the head of the arrow and not the line Same problem here - when drawing a line with the shape tool, all that is visible is the arrow head even though I use a fill color, stroke color.
It hasn't been a problem in 20 years, and this is one of the reasons why PS will loose to alternative apps. I found it. But I am having trouble figuring out how to use the shapes, back in CS6 I just drew a line and that line or curve was the arrow Now I need to figure out how to use shapes I use arrows very frequently.
Before Now there are 50 different adjustments, most of which I have no understanding. I can get the tip of the arrow, the triangle, to show up, but not the line that leads to it.
It does not work consisistently. Sometimes I can get a dotted or dashed line, but rarely a solid line after selecting it. It's ridiculous that it's not easy to draw arrows. Come on Adobe I don't use Photoshop that often, so it's always confusing when they make changes like these and I don't know if I'm just not advanced enough or there's actually an issue with the software Somehow 10 years ago everything seemed way less complicated. Can you please update your answer? I'm trying to find out where to find the arrows just like all the other people on here.
Your solution is not working. I will leave it up because I believe my thoughts are valid. Hi - No problem. I was responding to the comment on whether the shapes feature was being deprecated. Also note that you can drag Shapes up to the very top of the list above all the groups , similar to how it was before. This is useful if you have several "favorite" shapes, and want to have quick access to them.
It didn't work, jsut hung up. But I used a workaround: I had arrows from an old Photoshop file and copied a layer. Not gone, just hidden, because nothing says, 'helping you be creative and productive' like hiding tools and features on you. Need to turn around a quick graphic with arrows? Nope, Adobe thinks it is best to waste designer's time searching their forum to discover were tools and features were moved to.
Anyway, helpful tip: the 'Legacy Shapes and More' are not found in the shape tool's horizontal drop down menu. Welcome to the Community! Skip Take tour. Adobe Support Community.
Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for. Show only Search instead for. Did you mean:. Home Photoshop ecosystem Discussions Where's the old shapes gone from Photoshop, arrows Where's the old shapes gone from Photoshop, arrows, icons etc, now we have boats, really.
Feature request. Follow Report. Community guidelines. Tips and Warnings. Related Articles. Author Info Last Updated: October 21, Method 1. Set the size to pixels. Method 2.
Using the line tool, click on paths and add an arrowhead on the start of the line. Set the size of the line to 10 pixels. Using the path you have drawn, right-click over the path layer on your paths window.
Click "stroke path. Method 3. Click tool on the command window that will appear and then click okay. The brush tool will use your line tool. Method 4. Click "Window" at the top of Photoshop's entire user interface. You can see this "Window" button in all the images to follow. Your click opens a dropdown menu used to customize the Photoshop UI. Options here can very easily overwhelm the uninitiated. At this dropdown menu, hover on "Workspace" and then choose "Essential Default " to ensure you'll have visible each of the panels you need to follow the instructions below.
More specifically, the "Tools" and "Options" panels are required.