How old is considered senior citizen

But remember: That number is based primarily on retirement age and the age at which social benefits kick in. We all have to define it for ourselves. What are your thoughts on what age someone should be considered a senior? Have you had these kinds of discussions with your family members? We would love to hear your opinion. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Dementia Care. Palliative Care. Self-Care Guide. Care Channel. Caregivers in the Workplace. Search Search. Tips on living a healthy and full life. Growing older: What age is considered elderly? Understanding age terminology There are all sorts of words and terms floating around that are used to describe older people. Geriatric Geriatric care is a branch of medicine focusing on older adults and the health care needs of aging people.

When is someone considered a senior? The bottom line: What age is considered elderly? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Lena Lussier. In High school, College and university and work place. Theses days you get no respect from the young they figure you should respect them.

Hate to see how they are treated when they are Seniors. This topic is very subjective. My mom is currently 74 but is going on In huge contrast, my friend and athlete, is I dress and look much younger than my years. I think my friends and I look great for our ages - 50 is the new 30! Donna M. As a person who worked in a hospital 42 years before retiring, my perception of "elderly" age 65 and over is related to the physical condition of an individual , not chronological age.

Lack of mobility , frailty, chronic disease ,inability to care for oneself , and also an accompanying mindset preventing the individual from physically recovering , or psychologically moving forward , factor into my perception. I am not saying it is their fault or that their mindset is deliberate. Rather that their genetics and life journey contributed to the aging process , Whereas, others have been dealt a"a better hand" , retaining youthful attitudes and physical gifts great skin , athleticism , sharp mindedness, for ex.

Enabling them to enjoy vibrant life. Marie Grace. Hello Im in my 70's and work 3 jobs. My health is good and I consider myself still young. Thax, Marie Grace. I'm 81 and living in a retirement community.

We have residents in their 60s to over Most who are my age and younger still go hiking, read professional journals or are Habitat volunteers. Some still work; if not to earn a living, then to stay active.

My attorney, who is several years older than I, still goes to his office 6 not5 days a week. I bicycle regularly 15 - 20 miles at a time. What I don't see is any discussion about treating people like myself, not just with respect, but with the same kind of respect given to adults under I'm not nearly that old. I run 2 companies and I don't even think of my self as old.

Key is That's simple. Key is: bodies in motion remain in motion … bodies at rest……. Sally Furr. My two older bro's were called "baby boomers". Meanwhile there was no categeation for someone born in mid-to late 50's like me. Suddenly I read "Baby Boomers" were born to Didn't read that until recently, so now I evidently qualify as a "Baby Boomer". I've been "carded" into my late 30's.

I've never seen the point of being categorized into ANY group! I'm just ME. Dated many younger guys who acted like "old farts" they didn't last long. Think these "categories" are ridiculous!! Marvin McConoughey. Thank you for an excellent statement on age categories. At the age of 83, I now consider myself to be very old. Alternatively, I view myself as aged, which sounds appropriately older than senior or elderly. Functionally, I am also very old.

My daily two mile rural walk is painful, my height has decreased several inches, and I now do daily exercises in addition to walking to cope as best I can with the aging process. Mentally, I remain sharp, though not as cutting-edge as in my youth. There has never been a better time in history in which to grow old. Oh my gosh. I loved reading your inspirational post. Thank you so much for sharing! I am a "senior" and my chronological age is 88years, I have many serious comorbidities.

BUT for some reason I do not look my age. There are days that I feel like I am years old, and days that I feel mid forties. I still live alone , do all my housework, cooking and baking which I like to do I do most of my heavy groceries on line and really like to go to my favourite Fruit and Vegetable store, weather permitting.

I appreciate you voicing your opinion Margaret. I think that our 'essential self' never ages, even though the body does and we can have days when we feel we are years old! I love your description of your identities, from Mom to watercolourist and carver.

You sound like a Renaissance woman to me! Thanks again for sharing! Take good care, Jane. Betty Harris. I consider old age when your mobility becomes affected. If you need a cane or Walker or even a wheelchair. I consider one elderly when they reach 85 and have significant health problems that keep them from every day activities like walking and enjoying the things they use to before becoming somewhat ambulatory.

Carol R. In many cases longevity is achieved by thinking positive, feeling young by keeping interested in life and keeping a social network. Helping others and keeping the body and mind in the best possible way sharp helps. Age is just a number and if we're fortunate to be blessed with good health in our older years age doesn't really matter too much.

Senior citizens can be defined in many ways and at various ages ranging from about 50 years old and up. Take advantage of all the senior benefits that are available and prepare for the important milestones that lay ahead. There is no cut and dry definition of what makes a senior citizen, but staying informed about resources available can improve quality of life while also saving money. Life isn't so bad when you are a senior!

You get to take advantage of discounts galore. Senior Citizen Age in Major Government Programs There are numerous governmental programs a senior citizen can take advantage of as she ages. For example: If you were born in , you are not eligible to receive full retirement benefits until you reach the age of If you were born between to , you are eligible to receive full retirement benefits at two month increments during your 66th year.

For example, the age for is 66 years and 2 months, is 66 years and 4 months, and so forth. If you were born in or later, you are not eligible to receive full retirement benefits until you reach the age of Age considered a senior citizen: 67 if born in or later.

Medicare Age The age milestone of 65 is important for Medicare benefits. Age considered a senior citizen: Area Agencies on Aging AAAs The Area Agencies on Aging are community-based programs that make it possible for senior citizens, aged 60 and older, to remain in their homes for longer. Definition of Senior Citizen According to Business Programs Depending on an individual retirement plan or association affiliations, there are a number of private business programs a senior citizen can take part in at certain ages.

Car Insurance Companies For car insurance companies, the average age to be considered a senior citizen is Average age considered a senior citizen: Amtrak offers a 15 percent discount on tickets for most train routes for those at age Marriott offer 15 percent discount on their room rates for seniors over age Not surprisingly, everyone has different ideas about what elderly age is or when old age begins.

A survey by Pew Research Center found that Americans aged 18 to 29 believed that a person becomes old when they turn 60, whereas those over 65 said a person doesn't get old until his or her 74th birthday. Notably, the same survey found that only 35 percent of people over age 75 said they felt old. And a survey by PayingTooMuch. Old age is often characterized as a time of loneliness, frailty, and decline. Conversely, it has also been described as a time of freedom, happiness, and affluence.

Every person's experiences are unique. But such contemporary stereotypes about aging can have a big impact on the decisions people make and the attitudes they adopt. They can even affect people's physical and cognitive health.

Older adults who are constantly exposed to negative aging stereotypes can internalize the messages and unconsciously make them come true. According to an article in the Journal of Geriatrics , one study found that seniors who received subtle messages with words like "senile" and "incompetent" before taking memory tests performed worse than the seniors who were primed with more positive words.

In another study, receiving negative subliminal age-related messages caused older adults' cardiovascular stress levels to rise both before and after mentally challenging activities like math quizzes.

Research has even shown that seniors who hold negative self-stereotypes regarding age are less likely to agree to medical treatment that would prolong their life. On the other hand, negative age stereotypes can actually motivate people to focus on actively preventing those stereotypes from coming true.

Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act in Current data suggests the life expectancy is now around 79 years. With people living longer today than they did then, the age to receive full social security benefits has gotten older. It originally started at age 65 and has now reached The age you must be to receive benefits depends on the year you were born, so if you were born in or before , your retirement age is 65, and if you were born in or after , your retirement age is You can also choose to draw social security retirement funds at a reduced rate as early as age Medicare is the federal health insurance program for seniors.

You are eligible for Medicare health care coverage when you reach age 65, and you need to start the application process four months before your 65th birthday so ensure you are covered by your birthday. Medicare is not a free program, so there is an out-of-pocket cost for seniors, including monthly premiums and deductibles. The amount varies according to the type of plan you choose.

SNAP provides resources for food assistance for low-income people and families.


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