Can i remove asbestos floor tiles myself

As long as the tiles are not disturbed in any way, then there is no direct risk of hazardous asbestos fibres from being released into the air and inhaled. However if you notice that any of the tiles are deteriorating, then you should seek assistance from an asbestos professional.

This is because any cracked tiles, or tiles that seem to have flaking or crumbling parts could potentially be dangerous. Asbestos has been associated with various serious diseases including lung cancer, asbestosis and mesothelioma.

When the asbestos fibres are inhaled, they make their way to the lungs where they cause the most serious damage. The main aspect to consider when discussing the dangers associated with asbestos is the friability level. Asbestos containing materials ACMs that are more likely to be damaged and end up releasing asbestos fibres are said to be friable. Hence, if your floor tiles look worse for wear, and you can see chipping, flaking or crumbling parts especially where there is any cracking, chances are that they are friable.

Besides natural damage, other direct causes could be responsible for floor tiles to become friable. If tiles undergo continuous vibration or are exposed to water damage, it is also more likely for them to develop signs of wear.

On the other hand, if you see that it is not likely for the floor tiles to be damaged and if you are not considering disturbing them in any way, they can be classified as non-friable. This is to ensure that if any works take place in the future, there will still be suitable management of the hazardous tile material. Once in the air, asbestos is a health hazard when people breathe it. Flooring projects are common during home remodeling.

Options for dealing with asbestos-containing flooring are removing it or installing new flooring over it. The Minnesota Department of Health MDH recommends using a licensed asbestos contractor to remove asbestos-containing flooring. However, a homeowner can remove the asbestos-containing flooring safely following the instruction on this web page.

First, remove all movable objects from the work area. This is to prevent any contamination of these objects and reduce clean-up time.

Objects that cannot be removed must be covered with poly and sealed with duct tape. Next, isolate the work area by turning off the heating and air conditioning system. Cover all vents in the area with poly and seal with duct tape.

Limit access to the work area to one doorway. Cut a slit in the poly of the doorway from top to bottom to allow access to the work area. Cover the slit with a poly flap secured at the top of the doorway with duct tape. This should be the only access to the work area and will limit air movement in and out of the work area. Cover all other doorways and openings with poly and seal with duct tape. Place all tools inside the work area. Put PPE on before beginning removal. Limit the number of times going in and out of the work area once removal of the asbestos-containing flooring begins.

The usual approach is to clean it back as far as reasonable and then leave in place for the new non asbestos floor covering to be laid over. If you are interested in a cost for removal of this glue, then look at our asbestos bitumen and glue removal cost guide. Asbestos floor tiles are quite difficult to visually identify due to their appearance being very similar to more modern non-asbestos floor tiles.

Therefore, it is essential that as a minimum the suspected asbestos floor tiles are sampled for identification. This will usually include sampling the floor tile glue. This way you will know exactly what you are dealing with and what you need to have removed. Specific sampling is usually enough to be able to identify basic requirements when it comes to the safe removal of asbestos floor tiles. However, if it is a larger building or part of a larger project then an asbestos survey may be needed.

If you are not sure speak to a member of our team who will be happy to advise you. You should check to ensure that the company you are using is an asbestos professional. The easiest way to be sure is to only use an HSE licensed asbestos removal company. If you do this then the asbestos floor tile removal will include:.

There is much more to the asbestos floor tile removal than those listed. Therefore asbestos floor tile removal should be carried out by professionals. Asbestos is hazardous and only those with the correct training and safety equipment should attempt to remove it.

All in all, it is not recommended that you try and remove an asbestos tiled floor yourself. The information on this website is proprietary and protected. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Any unauthorized or illegal use, copying or dissemination will be prosecuted.

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Read More. Fact Checked. Written By:. Daniel King. Our fact-checking process begins with a thorough review of all sources to ensure they are high quality. Then we cross-check the facts with original medical or scientific reports published by those sources, or we validate the facts with reputable news organizations, medical and scientific experts and other health experts.

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