Applet not initialized why

Dear friends, this is naveen. My browser window shows a gray window box. Lester Burnham. Check the Java Console - in all likelihood it shows an error message that points to the problem. Where, exactly, did you find this "error console"?

WHITE ; b[k]. LEFT ; display. Show some initiative. And if you post lengthy code a thing of dubious value , be sure to use the code tags correctly. Maneesh Godbole. I like Did you follow Lester's link? And like he mentioned, please UseCodeTags You can use the button to enable them in your post.

While you are at it, you might as well get rid of the blank lines. AccessControlException: access denied java. FilePermission fft2. NullPointerException at applet. NullPointerException please help us to fix this problem. In the case of PApplet. On MacOS In my case java. Try after placing the above java file,in a folder with name firstjavaapplet pakage name in the source pakagefolder. No Need to write the main method in applet and you have to extend Applet than your applet will run.

I was also facing same problem because, i have changed path during installation of Older JDK jdk By doing this what happen is your main jdk Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more.

Start: Applet is not initialized Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 7 months ago. Active 1 month ago. Viewed 34k times. I am beginner to Applets.

Here is code for a basic applet to display string. Improve this question. May be error is because of this, I can't understand this message completely can anyone suggest what did I mess? Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Andrew Thompson Andrew Thompson k 39 39 gold badges silver badges bronze badges.

JGeo JGeo 12 12 silver badges 33 33 bronze badges. I was also facing the same issue and none of the forum's solution rescued me : Then I realized, we need the set the size and visibility of the applet.

Shanaya Shanaya 11 1 1 bronze badge. Nambi Nambi Means I don't need to compile it either? Nambi Narayanan — user When I try to compile without main it says no main class found — user Its resolved when I'd set. JRE System Library


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