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Boards Fallout: New Vegas I can't decide whether to kill Benny or not upon the first time meeting him. User Info: velocity92c. User Info: jman It's no big deal either way.
You can kill him now or once you catch him at the fort. It's easier if you cap him in the suite. You get nothing out of letting him live, but killing him gets you Maria. User Info: thepbr The only possible way you could let him live, that I think might work, would be to raid the fort after he's captured and kill everyone, including Caesar, and then untying him.
This occurred to me, but I'm pretty sure he'd probably end up trying to kill you, forcing you to retaliate. I don't think there is any way in which he can live. Psh, I had sex with Benny. I was playing as a girl, mind you. User Info: agentspoon. The guy shot you in the head, twice I might add and buried you in a shallow grave in the middle of nowhere. House, it is time to meet Yes Man.
Because the brotherhood is a terrorist faction believing that they should be in sole control of all advanced technology in the wasteland. Mr House is currently in possession of a lot of advanced tech.
His whole life support system is one-of-a-kind and the brotherhood would love to have it. To kill Mr. House, you must first find his physical body.
That is why he is the only viable option. You bring up a good point— that Mr. They want their highly-controlled insular society filled with elites. House is extremely physically decrepit and can only live inside a self-contained life support unit.
Opening his isolation chamber dooms House to death within a year due to contamination. No, there is not. Each faction NCR, Legion, and House will only allow you to help other factions for so long before you can no longer help them. Yes Man is always an option so if you piss everyone else off. Should I kill Benny in the presidential suite?
Should I kill yes man? If you look at his plans and goals, he basically intends to become the Enlightened Despot, the Philosopher King who rules wisely, but absolutely. This is a nice vision, but even the most enlightened despotism is still despotism. Technically, yes. The only point of Yes Man is so it gives you a chance to take Mr. He is supposed to be a sort of fail safe, providing a way to finish the game even if you screwed up with all other factions.
Skip to content. The smug bastard doesn't look smug now that he is hanging on a cross. Originally posted by Kirus :. Originally posted by ThatGuyYouKnow52 :.
Holly View Profile View Posts. Benny will have to be killed later on anyhow, as he is otherwise captured leaving the only one other option: to kill of all of Casears legion, a very costly and challenging decision. Benny will die unless you have killed all of the legions members.
As a result of your hard work killing off the legion Benny will then just disapear from the game. You really can't save him.
Karam View Profile View Posts. You shouldn't kill him in the casino, let him run to Caesar's legion and you can torture him. You shouldn't even be playing this bigoted vitriolic cis MAN made creation.