Minors, prostitution and all sorts of illegal activity is going on. Since Care. When you sign up for a 30 day membership, you think that it expires in 30 days, right? Nope, it's a scam. This practice is actually illegal in some states. When I finally realized how much I was being charged long after I stopped using the website , they stood by their practice of scamming people and would not reimburse me.
Being in the business of childcare, I would assume that being ethical and establishing trust with your customer is a priority. Do not fall victim to this scam! Ok lets be honest then. It is a taboo subject to talk about other people's kids. It always will be. No matter what is said, the general public will most always be favorable to the parents with kids, not the nanny. With that being said, that is why it makes no sense to air your opinion about children. As for the parents being being dirty, I agree.
There are dirty people in this world and there are some nutjobs that put the house way before the kids. I have been through the wringer with special needs kids if you want to get real lets get real. I have worked for parents that put the house and their own needs before the kids so blantantly it was disgusting.
Would come home and be concerned about a spot on the carpet that was the size of a dime, and not ask about their child that had a feeding tube. I have worked for parents that the kids were so out of control I have bite marks on me an bruises at the end of the day. I have worked foe some very rich families in Annapolis Maryland that were clearly out of their minds and put the kids completely last on their to do list. And Chuck if you ever read this this is not about you I plan on using you as a reference for years You were always fair and honest with me to a fault.
Being a caregiver is not easy emotionally, its not for everyone. Yes I said bratty because Deborah, some are. You say that you would never blame the family, especially online, so why is it most posts blame the nannies and caregivers and the families take no ownership of their roles in the dynamics? I have worked for families elsewhere that were wonderful and amazing, unfortunately I didn't find that where I was up until recently. Was my last employer dirty?
Yes, are most? I had bad luck. But to imply that ANY nanny who speaks out is uneducated and ignorant doesn't say much. I hope that you never have to go through what I have been through however, I wish you and everyone else nothing but the best. I have also been a nanny for 20 years and a parent for some years. I would never blame a family, especially online for anything. Calling kids bratty? I am lost for words. Kids are kids. My experiences went from bad to life threatening due to the family that I had been working for off the site.
I just came out of 2 months in the hospital for a severe staph infection which I contracted from this dirty family. I let Care. I see all these complaints about the caregivers, some of you families NEED to look at yourselves and your behavior and habits.
I've never been so sick in my life, and now I'm looking at a recovery period of no less than a year and a half because of how bad the infection got. I do apologize if this offends the decent families on here that have had issues, but in 4 years I have yet to meet one decent family in my area and honestly, after 2 months in the hospital, I'm not interested in meeting any more families in my area.
Caregivers beware! Run background checks on the family through the police department and do whatever you have to in order to protect yourself! Background checks provided are not legit at all. Background checks are provided by an outside.
A caregiver punches in a DL from her home computer and any DL that is borrowed or stolen can be used. SS s are also used however however a SS is not always required to pass a check. The check will come back as a pass but say no records found with no SS on file. References are also not verified by Care. Caregivers forward email addresses from previous employers herself over the computer. Any made up email can be used then the caregiver will verify the reference herself with her computer as the parent.
One auto computer phone call attempt per reference by Care. Most often the parents don't answer thinking it's a annoying sales call with the long delay once answered. The review boards that boast about Care. The reviews are hand picked by the CEO'S themselves. Those review boards are always at the top of the pile when googled of course.
Millions of dollars are being scammed out of unsuspecting, overtired parents that trust Care. Who wouldn't trust a company that uses "CARE" as it's catch phrase.
If a member, either caregiver or parent makes a complaint to the call center, report button or negative review on a caregivers page the reporters account will be closed that day. Only non important issues are let through to a review like no call or no show for example. Often it is the one that reported the issue that gets closed down.. Ridiculous, but this is the truth.. Popular titles on reviews are "Leave an honest review on a caregiver and get shut down" OR "Don't call the call center they will terminate you" Care.
They are hiring low pay office employees. Dishonest employees are selling American Care. Scams, prostitution, and much more is being hosted by Care. The most popular being the "Fake check scam" Millions of dollars have been lost in America because of this popular scam. Most of the lost money coming from Care. It is too costly for Care. If anyone should report this to the call center the member will get this boilerplate response "We at care. This is just the tip of this giant ice burg that is slowly starting to melt and reveal the ugly truth about this dirty, unethical, fraudulent.
The only advantage Care. Craigslist does not claim to be a safe verified community of caregivers by advertising on TV and highlighting reviews and background checks. Babies have died because parents think this is a safe way to find last minute care when a certified nanny calls out sick. It is not safe on any level and should never be used for last minute care if used at all. They are endangering childrens lives daily. The amount of scams and illegal activity that goes on over the message boards and sent by text messages over phones is a disgrace.
COM will soon be shut down by the federal trade commission for defrauding both babysitters and parents. Thank you for responding lisamark. There was one in particular that said that he wanted my info and then he would be coming to my town next week. So I told him that when I met with him, I would give him my info then. He even went to so far as to send me a picture of him and his son. I try to register but can't make it.. Im just trying to find job here I use care.
Now i try to find again but in one month care. No real customer would offer you monetary advances before even speaking with you in person or on the phone. Honestly, I don't even think it would be realistic if they offered you an advance at all. Real clients aren't going to pay you until you've actually done some work for them. Here is what makes me nervous…. They want my personal information, example…first, middle and last name, as well as my personal phone number and full address.
Before even talking about an interview or requesting to speaking with me on the phone. It just sounds so fishy. It is been like four offers just in the last two weeks. I have been a member for 3 years and they have taken down my profile 3 times now However the real reason they take it down is absurd. I invite parents from other networking sites to sign up.. I had contacts and views this time I guess that was my limit. I have generated thousands of dollars of business, premium memberships, preferred background checks, Free advertising..
I had over star reviews and I guess that was too much for them. They prefer that all paying customer sit quietly in the corner while they rape your credit card with their predatory billing practices.
If you don't want to be shut down and ripped off and would like your kids to be safe I would like 1 caregiver with a side a fries hold the mayo type of caregiving. I wish I could say my experiences with Care. I have been on there for several years, and the first family I worked for, lied to me about their income so that they did not have to pay a decent wage. I left after a year. One woman had me come out for an interview, a 20 mile drive for me, only to tell me after the fact that she wanted someone closer.
FYI: I make my location very clear when I apply for positions. I see an abundance of ads posting wages that are highly illegal, one of which stated hours of 35 or more per week, yet she was only willing to pay at most per week.
Most people put wages they just cannot afford to pay, to draw the sitter in. I'm flexible to a point, but I need to be able to survive too! I have had far more frustrations with this site and how they do things as opposed to positives. I have worked with children for nearly 20 years, but I'm not a servant. I've been on both sides of the fence, having to hire someone to care for my mother when she got out of the hospital, so I do understand the frustrations of some of the parents, but the parents need to remember that some of us caregivers have had equally unfavorable experiences as well.
That story of "S" sounds a little sketchy-- you say the mother didn't give a return time, but then you say she was 90 minutes late. How could she be 90 minutes late if she didn't say when she would be home?
Also, what kind of person calls the police for child abandonment just because a mom is late? One time my mom was an hour late picking me up from the pool when I was a kid because she was on the phone with her dad and lost track of time, but if someone had turned her in to the police for that it would have ruined our lives and destroyed my family.
Some people are too eager to call the police and get someone thrown in jail. I too would be mad if a mom was late to pick up her child, but I would not take such extreme revenge for somebody inconveniencing me. Just quit! S is a former caregiver on caredotcom. During a babysitting job she had concerns as to the baby's living conditions and physical condition. She was so concerned that she called the police to file a report.
They encouraged her to file a CPS report. When the mother failed to give a definite return time and showed up 90 minutes late, S called the police again, fearing a possible case of abandonment. The mother showed up the same time as the police, and showed her outrage by complaining to care. What did care. They deleted S's account with no warning and without getting her side of the story and sent all of her potential clients a vague email insinuating that she had done something bad. A potential client told her that she could not hire her because of that email.
S tried to give her side of the story to care. They obviously care more about money than a child's well being. My complaints are much more minor but show the fullness of care.
I subscribed to be an in home daycare. The rules for posting a picture are strict but I followed them. Several pictures were rejected with a vague form email before I finally asked for a specific reason why they were being rejected. Again I received a vague form letter.
I still have no idea why I could not post certain pictures. I have had no business traffic in the couple weeks I've been subscribed, despite actively seeking out clients. I cancelled my subscription. Ask the parents in Wisconsin whose child was sexually abused how they feel about care. They are suing the website. According to the news report the parents paid for a background check that the company never did.
The provider they picked had 3 charges. It's such a relief to see that so many other people here have also had bad experiences with care. I've been trying to make an account with them for months, and today I got a response saying I previously had an account but it was closed due to the results of my background check - what?! Are you kidding me? Never been in trouble or anything.
I can't imagine why care. The e-mail stated, and I quote - "Unfortunately we are unable to accept your membership. This decision is final and irreversible. No exceptions will be made to these terms. Seems like they're scamming people out of their money left and right. Out of 3 years of using care. I believe that care. I just don't recommend this site because of people like that! Miroslava, You are definitely being taken advantage of. This means that even if you work at McDonalds, you will make much, much more money.
And right now you are working about twice as many hours as normal full-time you're working 78 instead of 40 hours per week and normal jobs have to pay higher wages for overtime. If you made minimum wage, you would only have to work about 20 hours per week to make the same amount of money you make now.
The other side of the story is that you are getting paid to watch netflix : Sounds like it could be a dream job for some people. My advice is that if you'd like to make more money, find a different job. If you want an easy job that pays next to nothing for the time you put in, stay there. After months and months of applying at different places I came to the opportunity of becoming a nanny for an indian family that owns a restaurant here where I live, I was hired on the spot.
Everything was going well , but I feel like im being taken advantage of but I just don't have the gyts to say anything. I don't know but I just feel likevthey are making her anti social besides im 19 im spending All my summer days sitting at their house This family has reviewed your application, but has chosen to pursue other applicants.
Want some tips? Momiam Too care. This button sends the automated "no thanks" email. It reads like this:. Those of you complaining about the automatic renewal fees, you are, I'm sorry to say it, morons. It is clearly stated. Those of you complaining about pictures, they clearly state they do not want pictures of children on your profile unless they are your children or you have written consent from their parents because it is ILLEGAL. They also clearly state that for your primary picture, they want a picture of just you.
The others can be of dogs and whatnot. However, those of you having your accounts terminated, that's a shame. Even though it is in the agreement, that is very fishy. I think I'm going to look in to that and let y'all know what I find. Quote: How could care. I think in this case there really is nothing they could do to help.
Answer: Care. Lastly, you can manage your cookie preferences from this page. This helps you manage what activity the site is tracking. You can reach their team through a ticketed email service or by phone at There is little that is black and white in this world, and Care. There are certainly reasons why people use it, and there are also reasons to potentially avoid their services. Even though Care. Here are some other places you can advertise your services or look for a caregiver.
They help you do this with their four-step screening process. Remember back in the old days when you would ask your friends for a babysitter recommendation? After all, word of mouth is the best marketing. You can sign up through either Facebook or LinkedIn, and the site generates a list of leads based on your network.
This makes it a top choice for cost-effectiveness. They have been around since , and they have successfully placed au pairs with families both nationally and internationally. Overall, this is a great option for people that are needing all-encompassing care for their loved ones. Despite being the most popular platform, it is probably the least customer friendly in terms of pricing.
Caregivers can get by with the basic version, but the paid version allows you to communicate with potential clients through the site. If you are in the process of looking for a regular sitter, I would recommend paying for a short-term membership, fervently interviewing candidates, and canceling once you find someone you like.
There is no reason to continue to pay their fees once you find a good sitter. Overall, I think there are better, less-expensive platforms out there.
Check out the alternatives for sites that are more cost-friendly than Care. Read 1 Comment or add your own. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Your email address will not be published. The service itself from our perspective was great, it just took a while to find exactly the right person we needed. You have to put in the time to interview and find the right individual.
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Join Search MillennialMoney. Credit Management What is Credit? Calculators When Can You Retire? This article includes links which we may receive compensation for if you click, at no cost to you. Learn More. Email Address. Pros Access to a database of professionals: Care. If you are looking for someone who is serious about their job as a caregiver, they are likely on Care.
User-friendly website: Sometimes, online marketplace platforms can be cluttered and confusing. It can be difficult to sift through all the candidates. This means that you are left with great people in your area on the back end. You can choose to use the free option, or upgrade to the paid membership. The service has been around since Their site was launched to help people find babysitters, tutors, pet care, and caregivers for the elderly.
Now, the site also helps users with finding housekeepers, gardeners, and care for those with special needs. Looking for someone to care for your pet? Check out DogVacay!
You can even find someone to look after your home through TrustedHousesitters. Learn about these alternatives and more by checking out this article.