What happens if you use it on a more conventional dash? Personally, I'd love if it could do 1. Hey there! Nexus and Inhibitors aren't hit by it - I debated it a bunch, but I like the symmetry of the spell, and there's never a reason to make the enemy Nexus or Inhibitor invulnerable aside from pure trolling , so I left it out.
This means that turrets behind the first turret aren't hit by it either. You can tower-dive, but not double-tower-dive. It only hits things that are targetable, so no, it doesn't hit the fountain laser and the fountain healing is just a Mysterious Area of Effect anyway. Nope, nothing to hit there, but as you and Inept Maverick pointed out his E portal can totally go through the base walls, including enemy gates.
This was a tricky case - I ended up going with having Unstoppable units Malphite Ult, Sion Ult, others be unaffected by it. It's a disable after all, and they're "immune to disables". Stopping and starting was super janky. It stops dashes in their tracks, similar to Viktor's W.
The alternative has people sliding all over the place, outside the area that was hit, and looks really weird :X" Rabid Llama also replied to another set of general questions, commenting: "Quote Some of the things I was thinking was As it is-- Bard's E seems to be literally useless on Howling abyss, due to the lack of walls outside of the stage limits.
A lot of people are asking, how often will the little chimes appear? They seem to be close together in the video, but I notice suddenly no more appear. What roles can this guy do? Another thing someone brought up is have Every lane solo-- solo top, solo mid, and marksman bot-- while having the jungler in the I can answer these questions!
Right now, it does not hit Dominion Turrets it's cooler to just hit the people channeling, and they serve a very different purpose than turrets on SR 1. It doesn't hit Nexuses Nexies?
I'd like to keep it focused on clearer plays, too. In general it doesn't hit untargetable things, and there's nothing to hit on the TT altars, so nope : 2 - I'm interested to see how he plays out on Howling Abyss - he can cut the base wall corners and end up way into the lane, and can jump from brush to brush in the middle of the map.
He can flank pretty hard, and might be a big force multiplier for an Udyr or similar. We'll see. Can always up his Chime spawn rate to compensate! Definitely a balance lever, though 4 - That remains to be seen. Jungle Bard is definitely possible, but I'm not sure if it's viable or not.
As for double-jungle with a support, his W and E definitely synergize hugely. If that's a thing that happens, I'll be super excited. Something we identified last year was that there was some cool stuff we could do with non verbal champions. Original plan was to space Rek'Sai and Bard out a bit so they weren't back to back, in part because of the lack of voice lines, these release times ended up being better for other reasons though.
We thought that traditional voice would just not fit Bard at all. Fun tip: Bard has a unique VO system that plays certain kinds of lines based on how many meeps you currently have spawned at your side. An Average 1. Annoy your opponents to death! Take fleet or dodge. Killing her under tower or breaking her egg in time is the challenging part. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Super Galaxy [ I would go dshield and fleet if you can, if you don't she will harrass you heavily and getting hit by even one Q can get rid of half your hp.
Unflinching very good in this matchup since the stun is very hard to dodge esp when you try to engage on her. E at her and bait out her stun by running to the side before 3rd qing onto her. You can also E forward when she walls you and ur E should go behind the wall, very neat trick that can save your life. You can also cancel her ult if you knock her up when its on. Only way you die is if you just sit in her ult and melt so just make sure to E out when she puts it down.
The only way she can kill you is by hitting the Q's. If she uses her Q for wave or to poke you and misses, look to play really aggro. Be mindfull of her egg when going for an all in while being low hp.
She can use her passive to bait her jungler so don't go for an all in unless you know where the jungler is if she has egg up. Vladimir guide Patch Despite being "weak" early, her lvl is disgusting when against melee champions. Avoid engaging if her Q is up. Yone will always dash in a straight line so it just makes it easy for her to hit it. In the early game anivia really struggles farming, so try to shove her into the tower over and over.
After level 6 you have to be careful because she can shut you down easily with her ultimate and wall. Save your third Q or ultimate to cancel her ultimate channel and focus on depleting her mana bar. Yone is also weak early on but once you have boots and your first mythic item you can easily deal with her if you get within range.
Until that you have to focus mostly on farming if it's a good anivia. She's just going to afk farm the wave entire laning phase so you can't do much unless she overextends. She starts struggling when you go to the side lane because that's the point where she gets absolutely destroyed. Her immobility and the extended lane makes it impossible for her to escape when you're going in. It's possible to have pressure in this lane before 6 and farm better, but she's still unkillable thanks to her passive.
After 6 her waveclear is one of the best so I need her dead with no TP or a herald to push mid tower. Dont give her these combos for free. First try to bait out her Q, then you can go all in against her if you have decent vision around yourself to see whether jungler is coming or not. Post 6 it turns into farming lane until you most likely reach level 11 to be able to poke her down with your ults, or unless you are so ahead that you can all-in whenever she returns back in lane.
Dont remember, that she can use her wall to block you in awkward position, so even if you are ahead, never underestimate her damage output and ability to lock you down. Her R makes it almost impossible for you to roam without losing a ton of XP and gold, and she can easily punish you if you fail to kill her on an all in.
It is not hard to survive in this lane but is very hard to kill her with her passive up especially earlygame. Ping for jungle to come when she has you shoved in and it should be a relatively free kill. Take Doran's Shield and secondary resolve runes.
Free kills. Anything above that? Extremely difficult. Early game she is quite weak but without picking up some decent summoner drops with your W she can just survive your early all in with her Egg, and TP back to lane if she ever gets low from your harass.
Once she gets 6 it's a very stalemate match-up, she puts her R on the floor to wave-clear then walks away, easily ignoring you. Bird bitch has a great kit and when utilized correctly one wrong mistake and you're dead, similar to Cassiopeia. Her immense pressure of abusing bad positioning combined with her surprising damage makes it a real toughie. She does well into mid range mages like Cassiopeia, Ryze and Viktor because of her zone control.
Her Q moves very slow so it should be easy to dodge with boots. You can win the fights by saving your ultimate, and then using it to cancel hers. Generally you scale better and still have some openings to kill. Haha easy go next. Mostly a pretty dangerous lane if you're out of position and it can be difficult for you to kill her even early due to her passive. Poke until lvl , then stay safe. After 6 she basically pushes you in with her ult, so use your abilities to depush and ping if she is missing.
Wait for ganks or teamfights and you will be a winner, winner, chicken dinner! Take Barrier. When you ult, she will either just turn and burst you down or put distance between you and herself with her W. Try to coordinate ganks with your jungler early on. Abuse her weak pre-6 by shoving her under tower and invading the enemy jungler together with your jungler. You cant farm even under tower, she will keep poking you out and eventually making you lose a lot of resources.
You have the edge early on because of anivia's high cooldowns. Post-6 it becomes harder since she will just turn into a waveclearing bot. Farm up and look for kills on other lanes. She IS immobile, so if your jungler has hard CC, then you can setup a kill. She will use Q-stun when you go in with your W so do your best to dodge.
You will be using a full combo to kill her pre-6 and post You won't have any extra damage to kill her egg. Also her waveclear is extremely hard to match up against post-6 once she gets her ultimate.
Try get your jungler to gank as soon as possible so you can get the early snowball. Jg diff matchup. Try and avoid this matchup. Second wind and dorans shield is advised. Vice versa. Just watch out for her q and you can win trades pretty easily. Bait her q with a w and if she throws it take the shadow back and kill. Also, her passive isn't really a problem for you since your damage is your basic attack.
You can even jump across her wall with your Q. This alone should be an advantage. However, your own lack of mobility makes walls and her abilities a nightmare to deal with if you make a mistake positioning. Just dodge her stun and u are good. Post 6. At 6 she just beats your shove and gives you a run for your money with how much damage she can pump out without the effort you put into your noodle damage. Focus her in teamfights as she is a HUGE teamfight threat over 1 area, and you should be fine.
Play her like you would play into Froggen. If she hits a Q on you, you are dead. Take TP and aim to scale. If you can dodge her stuns she is a fairly easy matchup. Make an effort to roam post 6, and don't blow your spin until she burns her Q. This matchup can be very difficult for Vladimir, her damage is ridiculous and her stun can be very devastating especially when being ganked.
Focus on farm and don't feel forced to use the all in combo when her passive is up. With Vlad's high cooldowns early game you can't follow up with anything but Auto Attacks, so play your best to scale. Range is similar, Anivia has better laning phase if she's extremely good. Otherwise Orianna's skill requirement is a lot less to win this lane, just avoid Qs and you'll be able to farm safely.
Play safe in this lane and try to set urself up for ganks. Once 6 be very cautious of her ulting and walling you. You will take unneccesary amounts of damage.
Roam early if possible it will be hard to after 6. I find you being able to burst her past 6 with ur movement options out weighing hers. But Id recommend Jungler help. In terms of scaling, Anivia will be very strong in the mid game but with consistent jg pressure this match up is extremely free. If you're able to play the match up normally, it will be Lux favored.
The only issue is if you try to force onto Anivia, she can create a kill window or initiate at max range with wall. Try not to lose early or you will have no control of this lane. Low range pre 4-mark makes it impossible to get into her range. Q is not fast enough to dodge her Q anymore, One plus is being able to Q over her wall if she tries to wall you into her ult, so save your Q if her ult is down.
Lane phase is hard and you essentially need to let her free farm. You don't really win in melee even if she misses her Q early, only chance is if she hard overextends away from her minions so that they don't hit you when killing her egg. Matchup really only gets worse as the game goes on and becomes nearly impossible to match once she gets zhonyas.
She's a good ban but isn't played enough to justify it. And her clean wave is nasty after lane phase, so try to farm and clean at same time! Her stun and E will make you beg for health. If she hasn't wall or she spends Q, you can try to go on the attack. Game against she's will hard. Rocketbelt will be optimal item. She can punish your all-in style with her CC and terrain forming Diana is weak to these. My advice vs Anivia is to limit her "tempo" and deny her backing and stay healthy in lane.
Try to match her push. Her weakness is heavy pre-6 when she wants to back and may use her abilites on the wave to push. You can get passive or blow flash or kill, here. Laning Tip: You can trade your R for her passive and it's worth it for you.
Also, Anivia is generally weak in skirmishes due to her immobility and wide area where she can be attacked from rather than a short, linear area of the mid lane. You also don't see Anivia top-lane often and this aspect of her is a big reason. You can usually take Rift on CD vs Anivia and focus on objectives bc you'll win outside of the lane.
Her E when used on a target she crowd controlled deals a huge amount of damage without MR, so dodging her Q is key. Always check to see if her passive is up before engaging, and remember that you can E over her wall, so use it unpredictably to catch her by surprise.
Just bait her into using her Q so you will not have no trouble killing her. Just focus on CSing with Q and E while lasthitting if shes already used her stun. Even at 6, if you knock her down she will get to respawn from egg and kill you. Talon can jump her wall so abuse this. IN by resetwice Talon Player. Qiyana Bible by Kessi Qiyana Player. Her skill shots are slow and quite dodgable, but her wall can be really tough to deal with as an immobile mage. This compounds with the fact that most Anivia players understand he quite well and will punish you if you don't respect her wall range.
If your jungler does gank mid, you should be able to kill her even through egg as she is also quite immobile. At level 6 is really the first time she is a threat to you. If you get too close to her out of turret range she can land a wall-storm on you which will melt you very easily. In a worst case scenario you can ult her to cancel her ult and combined with your stun hopefully give you enough time to escape.
Anivia is very good at holding positions but quite weak at attacking them. You can match her wave clear without spending too much mana and zone anivia quite well from objectives, just make sure you have position on her. Lategame anivia is also a powerhouse but you can usually zone a lot of your damage with your ball while your team focuses her frontline. Just really respect if you are within range of being wall trapped as it is a death sentence. Barrier, Ghost and Cleanse are quite useless in this matchup since you will die through them if she gets a good trap off on you.
I don't find her to be too much of a threat so I personally like to go TP or possibly ignite if I have an aggressive jungler. Phase rush is very useful in this matchup to escape bad situations and highly recommended. Normal items are strong in this situation. A lot of Anivias go a quite healthy build which gives extra value to the passives of Liandry's Torment. Very squishy, so try to pop her once you hit level 3 with you basic combo.
S11 by Yumi Project Akali Player. Syndra by Avyxia Syndra Player. Guide for people that suc by Yumi Project Katarina Player. Pyke mid by me by Balik Aadam Pyke Player. Depending how good she is and how well you are at adapting to how they play it can be a rough time. Magic resist is recommended early. When she got lvl 6 go all in to proc her passive, she doesn't has much hp so if you hit your q's you got the passive, after that wait for your jungler or your Ultimate.
Try and shoot your Q's out of her vision. Wait for ganks and mind the egg. Her ult is kinda annoying and her poke is good, use Second Wind and Doran's Shield.
Ulting to get rid of her passive is sometimes a good move because you get in range to auto her and you can move her egg with Q.
Just make sure to close the game before she scales too hard. While she can use wall to block you and cancel E, you can also use her Wall to E around and get a kill. This is a skill dependant matchup and is going to be close. All-inning her is only possible when you can her, otherwise you kill yourself.
Only can win if Anivia makes mistakes in lane not properly spaced or if JG helps. Prowlers claw needed. The only advantage you have is that you can W over her wall. Anivia's abilities do a massive amount of damage, her displace on her wall can kill you more times than not. Along with her massive amount of her damage she outclears you level 6 and beyond, and can use her Glacial Storm R along with her wall to force a flash from you. Otherwise Death Sentence and Flay can cancel her ultimate.
The double healthbar makes your all-ins much harder and potentially bait you into losing the lane. You want to bait out her Q, then trade with her. Without the egg she's very weak due to her low base health and armor. Her damage after lvl6 needs to be respected since she can stop your disengage and force a longer trade in her ultimate.
You can dodge all her abilities and hop over her walls. I try to just push lane and roam for other kills unless she makes a mistake. Pantheon S11 Midlane Guide [ Once her stun is down you can go in for a great trade. You probably won't solo kill her in lane ever unless she doesn't have her egg up. Look for roams or kill her with a gank. Since Anivia is so immobile, you just have to wait till 6, then you immediately win the matchup. At level 6, you can just R over Anivia W.
Your Q can cancel Anivia R, which really messes with her full combo. If you really want to show off while jumping over Anivia W, you can dodge Anivia Q too.
Since it is so slow-moving. You basically countered her entire kit, besides her E, which does peanuts without the other abilities. But don't forget that even though you can R over Anivia W, your teammates can't, so don't go too ham during fights. If she starts to zone you off ask for jungle gank. You cannot win if she is good. Watch her mana and keep moving, and just be conscious that after 6 she get's a lot scarier to face. Phase Rush You can't really kill her early game so don't go for early kills.
Just cs up and make sure to dodge her q if you have to you can w it. This is a matchup I would dodge. She also has more cc than the other control mages of her type making it hard to walk up. Hard but winnable on two incredibly skill expressive champions. Most players will use the wall to trap you in her ult as well as a guaranteed Q hit.
Max Q and farm yourself up into the mid-game, be prepared to get pushed up a lot until you get your first items done. So why isn't she extreme? Well her wall is sometimes a blessing in disguise. If your flash is up you can e-flash her into her own wall and subsequently kill her. MR runes and cleanse as always though. Honestly this is more of an extreme matchup so ban her away, dodge, or lane swap top if you see her.
Calculus Optimized Vayne by fanchessfan Vayne Player. You'll be able to dodge that annoying stun and most of the time she can't do anything to you if that doesn't land. I advise electrocute into this as it will probably be just enough to proc that passive and pick up a free kill. I recommend boots asap. Massadin Guide season 11 for mid lane! Otherwise, try not to get pushed in if possible, under tower she can easily zone you away from cs with all her abilities. Vladimir, your ticket to diamond [ Arrow go zoom by cookanarities Kindred Player.
If wall is down, abuse her for it. Fluffy's Akshan guide, with match-ups, builds and runes. I would take barrier against her, just to make sure, but make sure you abuse her early game. Poke at her whenever you can, and if she walls you, turn around and Q her so you can run. How to carry with Lux! Wait for jg to gank you. On the bright side, if you dodge the majority of her Qs, she can't touch you in lane.
Don't try to solo kill her much since her wall and R can cause you to take tons of damage. Take the Fleet page and MR. Anivia and Annie are even pre-3 Anivia wins pre-6 Anivia and Annie are even post Anivia scales much better than Annie.
TIP: Try to bully her early - she will control the lane if you don't put pressure on her. At level 6 her egg is the issue - she has slows and stuns so it'll take a lot to get rid of it. The minute it is down is your chance to strike - one-shot her over and over whenever the opportunity is presented. That being said this is probably the most boring lane in the game.
It is best to shove waves and roam. But don't use your ult if her passive is up. It doesn't give you a stack. E thru the wall and then all in. Everything you need to know! In depth by GhoastlyGiant Akshan Player. But since anivia is not very tanky you can burst her down.
S11 Full akali guide by Robertonkartul Akali Player. Anivia can just Q you, if you use E on her, because you fly in a straight line onto her. Bait and dodge her Q and Engage after. She is quite frail, and finishing her off in her egg form before she revives isn't the hardest thing for Yone compared to other champs , as long as none of her teammates are around the corner to jump you.
If you kite her Qs and trade properly, you want to get a lead before level 6, because her ult is probably the best zoning ability with a really low cool down one of those 6 second ults. You can't just walk through it, and trying to dash through it leaves you open to being stunned since you'll still be slowed.
Usually you can try and get her passive, but be careful after popping her passive as you usually can't finish her off. You may want to start boots to avoid them. Farm it up and try to roam if possible, you won't be getting much solo action in this lane. Then you can spam kill her. If you get behind late game is the most annoying thing ever but it shouldn't happen.
I also recommend Wit's End. Patch The damage of her emp E isn't something to laugh at. You can't kill her alone cuz of the egg. Even if she's a bad anivia player it's still pretty hard to win lane. Vladimir super mega ultra hyper reliable trustworthy alpha m by zeldimi Vladimir Player.
It's just a farming matchup, it'll be boring but most of the time you'll end up winning. Dodging her stun is the majority of this lane. If you get hit try to trade back but she might have wall so be careful. Post-6 you can do the same, she'll just slow you and do more damage so you'll want to watch out. IF you can safely get rid of her passive egg then you should probably go for it, but don't waste too much for it.
You should outburst her after mythic but mages are mages and should outscale you in the end. Anivia was buffed making her Uber-broken. You are actually a decent champion to play against her because of your mobility. She'll react by using Q but since she can't see you her E won't be used. After you continue to go for a clean trade or kill.
She will just try to push you every time to make you stick on the lane and avoid your roaming. Be sure to not have your W in cooldown since it's pretty much your only tool to jump over her W.
Abuse grass Q to be untargetable, avoiding all her E's. Soraka Patch Play safe and use spells to control the waves so she will not outpush your lane.
Engage only when her Q is on cooldown. Corki midgame-lategame domination theorycrafting by Vacavoladora Diamond Corki Player. Most champions against Yone is really bad early game but Anivia is extra bad early game because of her high cooldowns and scaling build.
Without any items Anivia doesnt do much damage so try to poke as much as possible early game and watch out for ganks. Anivia also had low health in beginning. If for some reason she uses her stun on minions, don't be afraid to engage on her. For the most part it is a farm lane, but if she misplays you can put her behind and pop her revive.
If she has no egg, clear vision, try to freeze it in front of your tower, and call for jungle to gank. In mid-late game, focus on popping Eggnivia or Zhonya's, and then 1 shot her in teamfights. Anivia slightly outscales Ekko. You can bait stun by stepping forward then using q aa w to proc electrocute and gtfo.
Impossible to roam because she will perma shove into you with R. Farm peacefully, and don't try to secure a kill, because everyone hates the egg. At 6, use ult to go over her wall, and outscale her. Since CC is really good against Shyvana. Cant be killed or baited. Shaco mid op?? Continuous cc.
This bird can stun, slow, and chunk you hard. Freeze, play safe, and Q onto her when she is poorly positioned. You can't do much to Anivia because she has push potential and her CC is really good, you need ganks to kill her.
Going against her on the lane can be a really difficult matchup. I highly recommend banning her. Tenacity and lifeline items will help you live a little longer so you can watch as this chicken freezes your pitiful body solid. Don't get frosted by her Q or Ulti because you will eat her buffed E. After level 6, it's pretty much a farm lane, she will push out waves like no tomorrow with R.
Don't get baited by her egg, always left click her to check if she has it. Her passive lasts 4 minutes, your ignite is 3 minutes. Comprehensive Katarina Guide Why? Because I can! Just make sure to stay clear of the stun and remember to kill the passive resurrection. Surviving in lane against this bird will be difficult. Anivia is a really squishy champion, but her passive can be troublesome. Do not be afraid to all in her when she's not at her turret or near her teammates, even if her passive is up.
Start W level 1 and play passive until you hit level 3. Then you can play off of her mistakes. Anivia can make her very own wall for you to ult on so if need be, you can abuse Anivia's wall if she decides to play around it. And get perma prio before 6 by shoving her in. Early game, you can't kill her in her passive because of your lack of burst, and when she gets 6, she will zone you out very hard as well as dealing a lot of damage.
Note that you can block her Q and E. You can also just shove wave and look for roams bot or top or help jungle as Anivia can't really rotate well compared to you. Then for the cooldown, ask your jungler to camp her. There is not much she can do against you. She gives you a free lane and you outscale her, while having the priority in lane.
But you gotta make sure you are dodging the Qs! Tv-LimitBreaker88 Azir Player. Just sit, farm and dodge her Q. Remove the withered flowers Kayle S11 You both critically depend on your precision with your abilities and both of your early game is weak. I personally think that Azir has a better wave clear until Anivia reaches level 6.
From there on out you must force her to spend more mana than she has to. Try and poke her but be cautious from her Q. Of course this is where I would use a Shurima Shuffle and counter her combo, resulting in me winning the shorter trade. Be sure to abuse him level one and two. Ask for jungler attention before 6. Easy lane as long as your adc offers even or more damage than the enemy adc. Ask for jungler help and force the level two. Very oppressive lane. Be sure to wall the enemy into her traps around tower and abuse your and her long range.
Strong damage dealer. Play with him like Aphelios; tank the damage for him, hit your cc, and ggez. Absolutely not. I always tell my adc not to play ez, sivir, or xayah. If you get him, either dodge or mute all and roam all game after level two. Awesome combo. Make sure you hit your wall on the enemy, as it gives kaisai a stack of her passive allowing her to either ulti the target or allowing her to proc her passive easier.
Be sure to abuse this combo's level two. Sounds a lot better than it is. Only actually good versus enemy is especially immobile. Level six is the only time that feels strong. Terrible adc, no damage, no lane presence. Mute team, roam after you get mobis and never look bot again unless she's about to get doven. Best possible matchup. Me and my duo have 80 wr across 28 games in masters elo. All in whenever possible starting level two. Honestly, a lot better than it seems.
Abuse the level two power spikes you both have and potentiate his roams. Be sure to not take too much damage level one. In my opinion, the most fun lane combination.
Especially fun to do with a friend. If you guys are coordinated enough, you can actually have Vayne condemn and then while its midair have the anivia wall for an instant stun.
Be careful though, anivia powerspikes at two and Vayne at three. Join or Log In. Join the leading League of Legends community. Create and share Champion Guides and Builds.
Login Social Login. Create Account Social Register. Vote Vote. Anivia Build Guide by suppdiff Wall for Elo. Wall for Elo Updated on December 29, Build Guide By suppdiff 1, Views 0 Comments.
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