Travel Time Calculator » Need to calculate the time it takes to get to a city? Coordinates Finder » Need to know the lat and long of a city? Flight Distance Calculator » Need to know the distances between two cities by airplane? Flight Time Calculator » Need to calculate the time it takes to get to a city by plane? Time Zones » Need to figure out the time zone in which a city or country is located in? Elevation Finder » Need to find the elevation of a location?
Route Elevation Calculator » Need to calculate the elevation of a route? Ecosystems Ecoregions overlapping with the protected area Marine and terrestrial ecoregions overlapping with the protected area. Forest cover Forest cover , forest loss and forest gain statistics are expressed in km2 and percent of the protected area. Maps with the location of the areas of forest gain and loss are also provided.
Forest Loss and Gain Layer. Inland surface water Areas of permanent and seasonal surface inland water and their changes over time - are expressed in km2 and percentages. Water Occurrence Water Transitions Water Occurrence Change. Water Occurrence Change Intensity to Water Transitions Habitat diversity The habitat diversity of the protected area has been characterized by the number of distinct habitats for the terrestrial part, and by looking at the complexity of the bathymetry for the marine parts.
Land degradation Changes over 15 years in the health and productive capacity of the land inside the protected area. Land Productivity Layer.
Land fragmentation Landscape pattern and fragmentation classes computed for the years , , , and inside the protected area.
Land Fragmentation Layer. Ecosystem Services Below ground carbon Protected area statistics for the amount of below ground carbon. Below Ground Carbon Map. Soil organic carbon Protected area statistics for the amount of soil organic carbon cm depth. The global soil organic carbon concentration map provides users with essential information on degraded areas and soil fertility as well as on the contribution to carbon storage mitigating climate change.
Above ground carbon Protected area statistics for above ground carbon. Global Above Ground Carbon Map. The above-ground carbon AGC layer is expressed in Mg megagrams or tonnes of biomass per km 2. Total Carbon Map. Upload your activity and inspire others. Rachel Faulkner. June 23, June 8, May 6, March 22, February 3, Click here to search picture captions and descriptions.
Position within Australia. Your location. Places last visited. Your screen size. Map Includes. Submit website. Latitude and longitude coordinates may be represented in a variety of different numeric formats: Format Latitude Longitude Decimal.
Cities, Towns and Villages. Mountains and Hills. Rivers and Creeks. Weather Stations.