The Supreme Court is reviewing a draft bill that would make these temporary, state-of-emergency tools, implemented after the November attacks on multiple sites in Paris, permanent. Some worry that such measures will play into the hands of the Islamic State and other extremist groups. Increasing police powers could endanger respect for civil liberties, while imposing governmental control of Islam in France could drive more Muslims to radical sects. It would arguably be more effective to focus efforts on improving the integration of Muslims, many of whom feel alienated in French society.
This would involve examining educational and career opportunities for immigrants and their families—paths that will offer them upward mobility and a better chance to assimilate into the workforce. It developed during the French Revolution, which sought to dismantle the Catholic Church in France along with the monarchy, and was enshrined in the law on the Separation of the Churches and the State. Broadly, the idea refers to the freedom of citizens and of public institutions from the influence of organized religion.
It goes further than the separation of church and state in other nations, however, by prohibiting religious expression in the public sphere. It is also a world with pork served in school lunches and holidays based on the Christian not Muslim or Jewish calendars. It is, taken to extremes, a world where Muslims eat, drink, and dress like proper Frenchmen and women.
Whether this was the secular France intended by its founders is of secondary importance. But it will certainly have an enormous effect on the way that France as a nation responds to this challenge. Shusha was the key to the recent war between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Now Baku wants to turn the fabled fortress town into a resort. Argument An expert's point of view on a current event. By Robert Zaretsky. April 7, , PM. Tags: Europe , France , Religion. November 12, , AM. The third was mainly political and wished to increase the separation between the public and the private spheres, in order to avoid both interference and discrimination - a way to ease a conflict that could have been detrimental to the nation.
The latter, more moderate, is the guiding principle of the law. The State abolishes the particular rights granted to institutions or religious congregations, and confines religion itself to personal and private subjectivity. It only recognizes citizens, independently of their background, whether it be religious, ethnic, or other.
However, despite the fact that it was conceived to neutralize communitarianism, this law is not devoid of prejudices. It was constructed around the historicism according to which the future of humanity largely depends on the emancipation of religion. This unsettles the French elite like nothing before.
Rethinking religion while at the same time retaining its founding principles becomes a matter of urgency. Confronted with the rise of extremisms, in particular radical Islam, and with the inflation of communitarian claims, the Republic stands strong. The public sphere springs from equality and neutrality, which, in this context, take over religious license.
Islam is sociopolitical system that either you are a Muslim or heretic. If you are a heretic who are Athirst, you have to either convert or be killed. This is not radical islam! This is the god order from Quran! All Muslims have to obey the Khalifat who is political and religious leader of the people. The author and those who think like her should live for a couple years in an Islamic state, especially as a woman, and become subjugated to Islamic laws before before writing about the evils of Laicite and Secularism!
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