If you want iTunes to resume showing relevant warnings after having selected one or more of these checkboxes, you hit reset warnings to enable them again.. Instagram needs a license to play music due to copyright violation or piracy issues. Make sure that Sync Library is turned on for all of your devices. Connect all of your devices to the Internet. Apple Music library missing? Check your iCloud Music settingsOpen Settings.
Swipe down to Music. It make take some time for your library to repopulate in the Music app. Feb 26, Tap Music. Tap Turn Off. It should reflect changes on your iOS device as well. Updating the library ensures you have all of your recently purchased content in your account and on your devices.
The following is how you do it. Step 2: When the iTunes app launches, click on the File menu at the top and then select the option that says Library followed by Update iCloud Music Library. Wait while the iTunes app updates your iCloud music library. Once it is done, you should be able to access your music content without the item not available issue.
Just like how you toggled the iCloud music option on your iPhone, you may want to toggle the Apple Music option as well but with a twist on your device. It should hopefully resolve the issue for you and let you access your content without throwing over the item not available error.
Some of the users over at the Apple forums say they were able to fix the issue by re-adding the songs that they were not able to access in the Music app on their iPhones before. Re-adding basically means re-downloading your purchased music on your device. The following is how to do it. Some of the music content is only available in specific countries and if you have recently made changes to your geographic details, you will have issues accessing your content and Apple Music will show item not available.
To fix the issue, what you can do is change the country to what it was when you purchased the music. Open your account settings and change the country to the original one and you should be fine. If the author of music tracks has made any edits to the files, you will need to first remove the album from your device and then add it back again from the Apple Music catalog.
The following shows how you can do it. The selected music item will be deleted from your device and then you can re-download it from the Apple Music catalog with the new changes the author has made to it.
Apple Support staff. There is no official way to do this without turning off iTunes Match, selecting the content you want moved to either the iPhone or the iPad in iTunes , syncing and then turning iTunes Match back on. While not a great solution, that is the official word.
I changed the file type to 'Audiobook', Right click on the file in iTunes, Get Info, Options, then change 'media kind' to audiobook' and then it allowed me to drag and drop the file on to my iPhone in iTunes. Then, in the Music app on the iPhone, tap 'More' in the bottom right corner, and 'audiobooks' will appear in the list. Took about an hour of faffing about with iTunes Match before I discovered this tip. Then it was done in about 20 seconds. As a possible workaround you could use a different app than the default Music.
Some apps Azul, for example permit you to use simple iTunes sharing to put media inside and they are independent of the iTunes library. I have found to date the best fix to this dilemma is to change the "Media Kind" to iTunes U.
Select the track or tracks and then select options, you will see the option to change the media type. This option will be available to only songs that have Not been added from your mac or pc to iCloud i. I have the latest iTunes I used this method to add teaching files that won't sync to the cloud, not sure why because I have other teaching files that are the same length and they sync to the cloud just fine.
Turning iTunes match off then moving the files to my phone, then turning iTunes Match back on didn't work, it just erased the files i just moved over when turning match back on. I had the same issue. At the same time, I also turned on Automatic Downloads Music. One of these solved my problem. When I plugged my phone back into the computer, all of my music synced. Good luck. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
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