If you notice pain or other symptoms like gas, bloating, or diarrhea after eating certain foods, call your doctor. Conditions like celiac disease a reaction to proteins in some grains or food allergies like peanut allergy are different from food intolerance.
They involve immune system reactions that can actually harm the body beyond causing a temporary reaction. Someone who has a true food allergy must always avoid that food. The digestive system isn't the only cause of bellyaches. Menstrual cramps are a common cause of pain in the reproductive organs. Infections in the reproductive system, such as pelvic inflammatory disease PID or other STDs, also can cause belly pain in girls. Testicular injuries can make a guy feel sick or even throw up if they are severe.
Women often feel nausea during pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies when the pregnancy implants in the wrong place can cause abdominal pain. Because problems like ectopic pregnancy need quick treatment, girls who have belly pain and think they might be pregnant should call a doctor right away. And girls who have had unprotected sex should be tested for STDs.
Untreated STDs can cause problems like infertility and chronic belly or pelvic pain. Always use a condom if you have sex to protect against STDs and pregnancy.
Some diseases or defects can affect how the organs do their jobs, causing pain. Crohn's disease can make the intestinal wall swell and scar so much that it may block the intestine. Hernias can also block the intestines, as can growths like tumors. Torsion is a medical term that means "twisting. When people get stressed , anxious , or depressed , their emotions can trigger physical symptoms, such as headaches or stomach pain.
Belly pain also can be due to problems that can happen when people have certain illnesses, such as sickle cell disease or diabetes.
The doctor will do an exam and sometimes might order tests, such as an X-ray, ultrasound, or blood test. It all depends on what the doctor thinks is causing the problem. Your doctor will first ask you some questions, examine you, and maybe do some tests. Your doctor may suggest you take some medicine or might give you special instructions for eating to help your body heal the bellyache. If it turns out that you have appendicitis, you will need an operation called an appendectomy say: app-en-DEK-tuh-mee.
If stress is behind your stomach problems, your doctor may recommend a specialist, such as a psychologist. These experts can help kids figure out the source of the stress and help them come up with some ideas for how to fix the problems or handle them better. Larger text size Large text size Regular text size. What's a Stomachache? Why Does Belly Pain Happen? Types of Tummy Troubles Here are some of the things that cause tummy troubles: Constipation is a top reason kids get belly pain. If you haven't had a bowel movement poop for a while or if it hurts to go to the bathroom or your bowel movements are hard, you are probably constipated.
Diarrhea is often caused by an infection that some people call "the stomach flu. The pain is one way your body tells you to stay near a bathroom! Other belly troubles. Belly pain also can happen with a urinary tract infection or a blocked intestine. Infection by bacteria or a parasite, heartburn, irritable bowel disease , or inflammatory bowel disease also can cause it. Something you eat.
Once there, it promotes the growth and activity of some gut bacteria that in turn cause a variety of unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms. Treatment: There is no cure for the gradual lessening of lactase production, but the condition can be mitigated by avoiding milk-based products or by taking lactase supplements that aid in the digestion of lactose.
But some can indicate a deeper or potentially more dangerous problem. If you have been having stomach pain that lingers, it may be time to talk with a gastroenterologist. Contact Carolina Digestive today to make an appointment and find some much-needed relief. Book an appointment today at one of our eight office locations and five endoscopy centers throughout the Charlotte metropolitan area.
We are committed to providing you with the most comprehensive quality of gastroenterology care. Below are 8 different kinds of stomach pain that range from relatively common to relatively rare: 1.
Sharp jabbing pain in the upper right abdomen Possible explanation: gallstones What is it: The gallbladder stores some of the bile that is used in digestion; it combines with digestive juices from the liver and pancreas to break down the partially digested food that has left the stomach and entered the small intestine.
Uncomfortable bloating Possible explanation: excess gas What is it: The digestive process is essentially a series of chemical reactions that happen along the digestive tract. Upper stomach pain or burning sensation Possible explanation: peptic ulcer What is it: Peptic ulcers occur when damage to the lining of the stomach results in painful sores.
Sharp pain in the lower right side of the abdomen Possible explanation: appendicitis What is it: Once universally believed to be a vestigial organ, the appendix is now thought to play a role in maintaining a healthy balance of gut flora. Full body discomfort or malaise with diarrhea or constipation Possible explanation: lactose intolerance What is it: Lactose is a component of milk-based products that requires an enzyme called lactase in order to be digested.
Take Control of Your Health Book an appointment today at one of our eight office locations and five endoscopy centers throughout the Charlotte metropolitan area. Book Appointment Find a Location. Start typing and press enter to search. Anthony Colvin, M. Ronnie Cyzner, M. Stephen Deal, M. Fowler, M.
Lanre Jimoh, M. Narang, M. Glen L.