Michelle wound up nominating Keesha and Libra. Basically, the participants — April, Memphis, and Jerry, in addition to Michelle, Keesha, and Libra — had to chop onions and stuff them into boxes. The twist was that they could choose to put their onions in a power-of-veto box or a mystery-prize box. Feeling safe, Memphis and April went for the mystery prize he got an onion necklace; she got a bunch of designer clothes , while Jerry and Libra came in first and second with their power-of-veto boxes.
Peace briefly broke out when the houseguests sat down to eat the banquet they had won in the food competition. Keesha suggested that everyone say something nice about someone else. The best days of our past be the worst days of our future. Renny spoke next and made both Jerry and Libra tear up in the latter case, by saying that Libra is not a bad mother , but then we were back to uncivil warring. Keesha reached out to April but got brushed off. Keesha made a self-deprecating joke about how she was being nice to April because she wanted some of those new clothes.
Libra basically repeated the line, pissing Michelle off for some reason. Then Libra asked Ollie to leave the table with her. After dinner, Michelle stirred things up with Keesha by telling her what Libra had said about her, without reminding Keesha that Keesha had said it first. Maybe Michelle and Keesha had too much to drink at the banquet and both forgot. This led to a four-way fight among Michelle, Keesha, Libra, and, for some reason, April.
By the end, it was as if the Georgians had allied themselves with the Palestinians, then the Russians sneak-attacked with the Aztecs, who then made common cause with the Georgians and attacked the Palestinians. Expect the unexpected, as Jerry said.
Dan was okay with the decision. Meanwhile, Libra seemed to be convincing the others that Keesha was the real threat. View my complete profile. Search This Blog. The Big Brother 14 Blog: "Fool me once, shame on y The Big Brother 14 Blog: "Can you throw me my pant Subscribe To Posts Atom. Comments Atom. Feedjit Live Blog Stats. Click here to get the most up to date Big Brother 14 Blog posts. Then again, maybe Dan's statement shows just how little he feels about his sister. Shunned by both Shane and Dan, Danielle is now auditioning Joe to be her father figure.
Making the red-headed guy wear the carrot suit Not cool Big Brother , not cool. Although I did suggest in an earlier blog post that Frank's famous father might actually be the comedian Carrot Top, so I was on to something. The regularity with which flawed, non-conforming, and downright shifty characters rise to the top in the Bible, in TV reality shows, and in life is more than mere coincidence. It says something deeper about what God put us on earth to do. God gave us will, intelligence, and personalities that have sharp edges with the intention that we should use them and exercise them to the fullest.
People who change the world and make life better for others are rarely quiet, self-effacing figures. They push themselves forward. They plan and execute bold schemes that change the course of events. In the Bible, the figures who rose to the top and changed the course of religious history were not the compliant ones. Yes, leaders do need followers. But the people through whom God was able to bring new laws, new spiritual principles, and major paradigm shifts into this world were those with ego, drive, determination, and discipline.
They were the ones who had a goal even if it started out as a self-centered goal , and would not let anyone turn them aside from achieving it. Ancient Judaism developed as a monotheistic religion in a polytheistic world. It stuck out like a sore thumb. And God could not use a wallflower or a shrinking violet to establish this new idea of monotheism in a world hostile to such a rank heresy. No, Esau would not do. At the first sign of adversity he would certainly shrink away and turn back to the old, comfortable, accepted polytheistic ways.
Jacob might be a shifty character, a deceiver, a supplanter. He might be rough around the edges. Now, thousands of years later, many of the leading religions in the world, encompassing billions of people, have inherited the monotheism that Jacob and his clan brought to birth and stubbornly stuck to—though not without periodic backsliding—generation after generation. Not if we look at the Bible from a more thoughtful, intelligent, and historical perspective.
Dan was no Judas, and he was certainly no Satan. What Dan Gheesling did on a small scale in Big Brother Season 14 was a mirror of what the Biblical patriarch Jacob did on the sweeping canvas of the Bible story. He threw the full force of his will, determination, and deviously strategic mind into single-mindedly accomplishing the goal of winning the game. And though in the end the jury awarded the grand prize to Ian Terry instead, it is not Ian Terry, but Dan Gheesling who will be remembered as the exciting player who was the driving force of Big Brother And it is Dan Gheesling who will be remembered as one of the greatest Big Brother players of all time.
His gameplay may sometimes have violated the letter of the law, but it was fully in the spirit of the Bible that he lovingly carried with him into the Big Brother house. There are still deeper spiritual insights in the Dan-as-Jacob story. Lee Woofenden is an ordained minister, writer, editor, translator, and teacher.
He enjoys taking spiritual insights from the Bible and the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg and putting them into plain English as guides for everyday life. Food for thought and another point of view, however in Jacob we see a man that did not in the beginning know the ways of God, he knew him only by his acts, what he does, not why he does it.
Comparing this Dan to Jacob seems to allow the manner of deception to be OK, calling good evil and evil good and to me misses out on the what really was important in the unfolding of Jacobs life. We cannot agree with such actions that encourage other to do the same. This does not reflect the character of Christ nor the life style he lived, and he is the ultimate example for us today. I had planned to cover that idea in more depth in the promised follow-up article, which I still have not written.
Meanwhile, I would say in response that Jacob was not Jesus Christ, but a human being, like Dan Gheesling and like you and I and every other human being that walks the face of this earth. Unlike Jesus Christ, we are flawed, finite, and problematic beings.
We start out focused mostly on ourselves and our own concerns. Jacob did many things, both before and after his first encounter with God, that were immoral, unethical, and wrong. Even in his final speech before Pharaoh as a very old man he shows his still persisting grumpy and curmudgeonly character!
So no, the things that Dan, and Jacob, did as young men were not good or right or admirable, and certainly not an example of what we should do in our lives. And yet, the strong character and strategic intelligence they showed as young men was something God could harness, direct, and use toward better goals as he carried their lives forward toward the development of a better moral and spiritual character.
Not exactly recalling all what I said but I truly thank you for your response. More good thoughts to ponder. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. God and Creation. Email Address:. Ask Lee! Skip to content.